Compression Therapy NormaTec in Franklin, MA

Are you looking for a way to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, speed up injury recovery, and improve circulation? If so, then the Normatec compression treatment may be right for you.

NormaTec is a leader in rapid recovery—the systems give the world’s elite athletes, coaches, and trainers a competitive edge. They are an excellent method to make recovery an essential component of every athlete’s training. They are dynamic compression devices for recovery and rehab to help athletes recover faster between training and after performance.

NormaTec Compression Therapy

What does NormaTec Compression do?

NormaTec is a type of pneumatic compression therapy that uses alternating air chambers to apply pressure to the body. This helps to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and speed up recovery from exercise or injury.

The systems come with a control unit and attachments with the patented Pulse Massage Pattern for the legs, arms, or hips. 

The attachments are molded to your body shape during the pre-inflate cycle before you use the equipment.

Compression of your feet, hands, or upper quad will then start depending on the attachment you are using.

Like the kneading and stroking done during a massage, each attachment segment will first compress in a pulsing manner and then release. This will repeat for each attachment segment as the compression works its way up your limb.


Reduction in Muscle Soreness

The controlled compression provided by NormaTec devices helps flush out metabolic waste products, such as lactic acid, from muscles. This can significantly reduce post-exercise muscle soreness and speed up the healing of microtears in muscle tissue.

Improved Circulation

NormaTec therapy mimics the natural muscle-pumping action of the circulatory system, enhancing blood flow to the treated areas and improving poor circulation. Improving circulation helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles, promoting tissue repair and recovery.

Pain Relief

NormaTec can alleviate pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions, such as arthritis, joint pain, and chronic muscle tightness.

Reduced Swelling and Inflammation

NormaTec therapy can effectively reduce inflammation, making it valuable for individuals with conditions like lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, or post-surgical recovery.

Prevention of Blood Clots

In some cases, NormaTec can be used as a preventive measure against deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and blood clots, particularly for individuals at risk due to prolonged immobility.

How Long Should I Do NormaTec Compression?

The recommended length of time for NormaTec compression is 20-60 minutes. However, the specific time you need to use it will depend on your needs and goals.

If you are using it for muscle soreness or fatigue, a 20-minute session may be sufficient. However, if you use it for faster recovery or to improve circulation, you may need to use it for 30-60 minutes.

It is also essential to listen to your body and stop using it if you experience discomfort.

Compression Therapy

What is Normatec Compression Therapy Good For?

Normatec Therapy is suitable for treating different conditions. Some include:

  • Muscle fatigue and soreness after exercise

  • Injury recovery

  • Chronic venous insufficiency (poor circulation in the legs)

  • Lymphedema (swelling caused by a buildup of lymphatic fluids)

  • Deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs)

  • Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

  • Improving athletic performance


“Dr. Abbie’s the best. She’s an excellent physical therapist and chiropractor, but she’s much more than that. She has a deep knowledge of functional medicine and takes a holistic approach to healing. I highly recommend her!”
— David Cohen
“Dr. Alison Di Salvo was fantastic. She has an easy presence and a great way of putting you at ease. She was great about asking many questions and testing areas to ensure she completely understood the issue before she recommended any specific treatment. My initial consult and treatment was yesterday, and I am already feeling positive results from it!”
— Eric Finnegan
“I am an avid runner, and I swear by Active Recovery! They have been my go-to place to return from an injury for the last seven years and help me stay as injury-free as possible. The appointments are quick but effective. Abby is amazing!”
— Rebecca Skudder


Are you ready to start your recovery from that pain and discomfort that stops you from living your life? Our chiropractors are certified in Normatec therapy and have over 15 years of experience with this type of treatment. Schedule your appointment today and trust that it will help relieve the pain.

Certified Chiropractors